Meditation at The Enchanted Moon in Johnstown, PA
Conducted by Bhante Chandrawansa
July 13th 2022 from 6:00 to 7:00PM
Meditation and Modern Buddhism class with Buddhist monk Bhante Chandrawansa. Learn practical ways to feel empowered to change yourself and change the world. Classes include guided meditations, teachings and practical tools to live a more happy and meaningful life. Learn practical ways to feel empowered to change yourself and change the world. These classes include guided meditations, a short teaching and practical inner tools to apply to your daily life. The focus is on solutions to problems in daily life, authentic optimism and the development of altruistic love and compassion. Please bring a pillow, blanket or towel to class to sit on. Stay hydrated and bring a bottle of water. Chairs will be provided for those unable to sit on the floor. Class ends with discussion so bring your questions about meditation, spirituality, Buddhism and or life.